Exciting new speaker technology goes mainstream
2013-09-07 19:38:49 UTC
I've followed technology like 'this'
for over 15 years, when Mission experimented with NXT-drivers, seeing a
bright future. It haven't seen it yet but who knows..then Naim made
these well-received Ovator speakers with BMR (balanced mode radiator)
broadband speakers,working from 200 hz up to the highest treble. In
theory superior to f.i. Tannoy dual concentrics (I heart and usually
respect many incarnations of those), only extra woofers needed, no more
crossovers where the ear is most sensitive, and other advantages, see
link. And now it gets affordable thanks to Cambridge. Their Minx series,
very small satellites with only BMR drivers and a sub also got
apprecation for its moderate price.
Me buying the NAD c390dd have convinced me revolutionary improvements
thorugh technological advancements -do- happen in audio, and I'm looking
forward to reviews and measurements of the Aero 6, and if the lights are
still green I'll go listen en perhaps say goodby to my humble but loved
dynaudio audience 122.

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