[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] INTERNET BLIND TEST: MQA Core Decoding vs. Standard Hi-Res Audio
2017-07-15 15:31:07 UTC
Hey boys and girls...

Been meaning to do this for awhile but now that software decoding and we
know better about the digital filter, I think it's time to let the world
have a listen to what MQA Decoding sounds like compared to standard
24/88 or 24/96 resampling. If you're curious about MQA (especially if
you have not listened for yourself), come check out a little blind test
I'm conducting.

Download the files, have a listen, complete my survey!

Will be interested in what you, the listener perceives...


BTW: Test will close for survey entries on September 8th, 2017.

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
Archimago's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2207
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
Golden Earring
2017-07-16 13:50:21 UTC
Post by Archimago
Download the files, have a listen, complete my survey!
BTW: Test will close for survey entries on September 8th, 2017.
Hi Archimago!

I shall certainly give your test a go.

I note your insistence in your accompanying notes that the digital input
to the DAC should not be "capped" at 24/96. Although I normally use a
Transporter in my system, this requirement will not present a problem
since I have a (or 4!) Squeezebox Touch which I can connect to my 24/192
capable external DAC via S/PDIF with an Ethernet link to my NAS running
LMS version 7.7.6-113 (simply because it's the version which Synology
make readily available, & I haven't yet found the need for one of Mr
Herger's more recent updates).

However, this did set me thinking. I know that the question of whether
the Transporter could be upgraded to handle 24/192 material has been
raised on this forum before, & the issue has been dismissed because its
architecture & processing power will definitely not support material of
higher resolution than 24/96: however, I am using my Transporter simply
to supply a digital data stream to my DAC, & do not even need the
Transporter's internal clock function (because I have a word clock link
from my DAC) let alone its DAC & analogue stage functions. It occurs to
me that this might yet be capable of changing things.

I found an interesting series of postings on appropriate digital output
connections by Sean Adams himself, where he was very patiently trying to
explain to someone (who had a clear excess of wealth to grey matter
ratio :D) that feeding the Transporter word clock input from his very
expensive dCs outboard Master Clock before linking to his equally
expensive dCs DAC was a BAD IDEA because of the *-increase-* in jitter
that would inevitably occur:
& the independently authored digital audio theory exposition that Sean
referenced to support his contention:
http://www.tnt-audio.com/clinica/diginterf2_e.html. Although the latter
discussion is framed in the context of using CD/SACD transports with
external DACs, the same principles will clearly apply to any "2 box"
source + DAC set-up. It is the approved (Sean's post #30 above) "Clock
Backwards" configuration as described in the technical article which I
am using. Of course, back in 2008, 24/96 itself was still considered to
be "hi res", being the DVD-A standard, & I don't think that higher
sampling rates were seriously envisaged back then, although all 3 of the
digital connections types used on the Transporter (AES/EBU, S/PDIF &
TOSLINK) will in fact support data-streams up to a maximum of 24/192.

The in-built DAC (& subsequent analogue stage) of my Transporter
continues to function when the external word clock is selected via LMS
settings, although I do not use its output. I cannot find any LMS
setting option to turn off the in-built DAC hardware if you are only
using the digital outputs to feed an external DAC & this fact might
present an obstacle to my idea. But bear with me...

My understanding is that LMS automatically down-samples 24/192 to 24/96
(& 24/176.4 to 24/88.2) *-before-* passing the data stream onwards when
its target is identified as a Transporter (as opposed to a later
Squeezebox Touch which is 24/192 capable, but lacks the handy word clock
in necessary to establish a low jitter connection to an external DAC). I
am wondering what would happen in my specific configuration if that
down-sampling were*- -**-not-* performed by LMS: after all, the data
being passed on from my Transporter to my DAC is just a stream of bits,
& I have to set the sampling rate to be used to convert it to an
analogue signal on the DAC itself.

I imagine that in the Transporter itself the conversion of 24/192 input
stream would either not occur at all (with silence in the analogue
stage), or that it would be done at the in-built DAC's maximum of 96kHz
resulting in a reconstructed analogue signal running at half-speed.
Neither of these outcomes would be of any significance to me since I'm
not using the Transporter's analogue outputs at all. Nor should they
trouble the Transporter's analogue stage.

OTOH, if passing a native 24/192 signal to my Transporter would cause it
to malfunction in any way or even cause damage, this would clearly be
another BAD IDEA! Does anyone have sufficient understanding of the
Transporter's circuitry to provide clarification on how it *-would-*
handle a 24/192 data stream?

If there would not be any hardware issues, it would seem to be a
straightforward software revision for LMS to disable the automatic
24/192 & 24/176.4 down-sampling for the Transporter -*if*- the word
clock input is selected in LMS settings, since that would appear to
imply _exclusively_ that my type of connection to an external DAC is
being used.

So maybe, just maybe, the Transporter -*could*- be made to handle 24/192
signals, even if only in conjunction with a word clock out equipped
external DAC, with only a small mod to LMS...

If no-one knows how the Transporter would respond to a native 24/192 or
24/176.4 signal, I'll pass the idea over to Mr Herger for his

Anyway, I look forward to taking part in your test, Archimago, &
returning my findings together with the other information you have

Dave :)

Golden Earring's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66646
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-07-17 06:01:26 UTC
Thanks for the comments GE...

Well, here in 2017, I still consider 24/96 "hi-res" of course. Last I
checked, my kids' ears apparently have not evolved enough to render
24/96 inadequate :-).

Yes, the digital interfaces AES/EBU, TosLink, coaxial can be used for
24/96 but the Transporter does not support this. My understanding is
that the limitation here is with the Ubicom IP3K CPU, 28Mbits RAM, and
the embedded operating system. It is an interesting idea nonetheless and
even if the hardware is capable of the hack, remember that you'll need
to stream lossless PCM over the ethernet as FLAC decompression is likely
out of the question especially over the 802.11g WiFi.

These days, for <$100 you could just stream with a Raspberry Pi 3 or
equivalent to your heart's content even beyond 192kHz over USB of

Looking forward to your blind test entry! Good to see you have the Touch
for 176.4/192 playback. Remember the only reason I went with the 4x
samplerate is to capture a bit of the digital filter effect from MQA to
get closer to "the sound" given how much they tout the effect of their
variety of digital filtering. Unofficially, of course one could just
play back over 96kHz; so long as the downsampling is done the same way,
one should still be able to hear any significant differences between the
MQA Core decode and a standard hi-res downsample.


Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
Archimago's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2207
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
Golden Earring
2017-07-19 06:48:11 UTC
Post by Archimago
Well, here in 2017, I still consider 24/96 "hi-res" of course. Last I
checked, my kids' ears apparently have not evolved enough to render
24/96 inadequate :-).
Yes, the digital interfaces AES/EBU, TosLink, coaxial can be used for
24/96 but the Transporter does not support this. My understanding is
that the limitation here is with the Ubicom IP3K CPU, 28Mbits RAM, and
the embedded operating system. It is an interesting idea nonetheless and
even if the hardware is capable of the hack, remember that you'll need
to stream lossless PCM over the ethernet as FLAC decompression is likely
out of the question especially over the 802.11g WiFi.
These days, for <$100 you could just stream with a Raspberry Pi 3 or
equivalent to your heart's content even beyond 192kHz over USB of
Unofficially, of course one could just play back over 96kHz; so long as
the downsampling is done the same way, one should still be able to hear
any significant differences between the MQA Core decode and a standard
hi-res downsample.
Hi Archimago!

Firstly, apologies for "cherry-picking" your earlier comment in the
quotation above: I'm just trying to focus on the bits of particular
relevance to the ensuing comments - if you feel that I've removed the
context, I apologise & stand to be corrected!

Obviously your remarks about the internal processing capabilities of the
Transporter are pretty technical, but if I've understood correctly you
are saying that it is incapable of outputting a decoded data stream
above 24/96 through any of its digital outputs even though in theory the
connections themselves could support them. I think that this puts my
idea to rest in practical terms. In any event, both my pet bat & I agree
with you that anything above 24/96 should have no audible effect! So for
all practical purposes (other than your test) I'm quite happy with it as

I take your point about the exceptional price/performance ratio of the
Raspberry Pi, but I've had a spot of good fortune in that I've managed
to acquire a mid-2010 i5-based 27" iMac with Bluetooth remote keyboard,
barely used for £400. I think that's one of my better bargains given
that they were £1649 when new! With its high resolution screen (2560 x
1440) I can attach to the wall on the other side of "my" corner of the
room & operate it without getting up (I am a bit lazy these days). I
picked up the matching Apple Magic Track Pad (also Bluetooth) s/hand &
also a frame that holds it to the right of the keyboard (both convenient
since I am right-handed & making it wide enough to sit snugly on my lap
- the keyboard on its own is so small as to be awkward to balance) from
eBay, so that should enable me to connect into the USB 2.0 input on my
Mytek DAC which goes up to a mind-bending 32/384 (or DSDx256). Can't
really see the point but at least I'm a bit future proof if things carry
on getting sillier...

Anyway, I've also fancied a Mac but have been put off by the cost in the
past. It'll be interesting getting my Windows 10 PC, OS Sierra iMac &
Linux Synology NAS talking to each other! I have the NAS, the
Transporter, my Panasonic Freeview HD BD-R + HDD & my 2010 Sony TV on
Ethernet at the moment. In fact there are now no useful apps still
supported on the TV, so I'll simply disconnect that from my router
altogether (leaving its HDMI connection to the Panasonic gizmo, of
course) & use that 4th final Ethernet port on the router for the static
iMac. Other stuff (PC, printer, 'phone, couple of Touches synced to
Transporter displaying album art & current track info) all connect via
Wi-Fi & operate faultlessly, at least so far.

But apart from running experimental stuff via USB on the iMac, I'll
leave LMS running on my NAS & accept the 24/96 limitation of my
Transporter even as a purely digital source.

Thanks for your information!

Dave :)

Golden Earring's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66646
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-07-19 10:44:51 UTC
Will have to take the test as i own a Meridian Explorer 2 only problem
is i live in the world of budget HiFi so running on a PiCorePlayer with
a Yamaha A-S500 and a set of JPW Sonatas but will give it a go

PS i normally listen to electronic music but can appreciate classical
music as playing a instrument is sadly a talent i will never have plus
Kim André Arnesen's MAGNIFICAT was a demo track i got with my Explorer 2
with is stunning

Eyerex's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=65695
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-07-25 06:41:59 UTC
Post by Eyerex
Will have to take the test as i own a Meridian Explorer 2 only problem
is i live in the world of budget HiFi so running on a PiCorePlayer with
a Yamaha A-S500 and a set of JPW Sonatas but will give it a go
PS i normally listen to electronic music but can appreciate classical
music as playing a instrument is sadly a talent i will never have plus
Kim André Arnesen's MAGNIFICAT was a demo track i got with my Explorer 2
with is stunning
Your Yamaha / Meridian Explorer 2 / JPW Sonata would be a great system
to test with. As I mentioned in the blog, there's certainly no need for
megabuck systems! After all if MQA is a significant upgrade in sound
quality that's worthwhile enough for TIDAL streaming to everything from
megabuck systems to headphone users, a system such as yours and your
impression could/should/would be a very fine test subject along the wide
price-points audiophiles use.


Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
Archimago's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2207
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-07-25 06:34:00 UTC
Post by Golden Earring
Hi Archimago!
Firstly, apologies for "cherry-picking" your earlier comment in the
quotation above: I'm just trying to focus on the bits of particular
relevance to the ensuing comments - if you feel that I've removed the
context, I apologise & stand to be corrected!
Obviously your remarks about the internal processing capabilities of the
Transporter are pretty technical, but if I've understood correctly you
are saying that it is incapable of outputting a decoded data stream
above 24/96 through any of its digital outputs even though in theory the
connections themselves could support them. I think that this puts my
idea to rest in practical terms. In any event, both my pet bat & I agree
with you that anything above 24/96 should have no audible effect! So for
all practical purposes (other than your test) I'm quite happy with it as
I take your point about the exceptional price/performance ratio of the
Raspberry Pi, but I've had a spot of good fortune in that I've managed
to acquire a mid-2010 i5-based 27" iMac with Bluetooth remote keyboard,
barely used, for £400. I think that's one of my better bargains given
that they were £1649 when new! With its high resolution screen (2560 x
1440) I can attach it to the wall on the other side of "my" corner of
the room & operate it without getting up from my sofa (I am a bit lazy
these days). I picked up the matching Apple "Magic Track Pad" (also
Bluetooth) s/hand & also a frame that holds it to the right of the
keyboard (both convenient since I am right-handed & making the combined
unit wide enough to sit snugly on my lap - the keyboard on its own is so
small as to be awkward to balance) from eBay, so that should enable me
to connect into the USB 2.0 input on my Mytek DAC which goes up to a
mind-bending 32/384 (or DSDx256). Can't really see the point but at
least I'm a bit future proof if things carry on getting sillier...
Anyway, I've always fancied a Mac but have been put off by the cost in
the past. It'll be interesting getting my Windows 10 PC, OS Sierra iMac
& Linux Synology NAS talking to each other! I have the NAS, the
Transporter, my Panasonic Freeview HD BD-R + HDD & my 2010 Sony TV on
Ethernet at the moment. In fact there are now no useful apps still
supported on the TV, so I'll simply disconnect that from my router
altogether (leaving its HDMI connection to the Panasonic gizmo, of
course) & use that 4th final Ethernet port on the router for the static
iMac. Other stuff (laptop PC, printer, 'phone, couple of Touches synced
to Transporter displaying album art & current track info) all connect
via Wi-Fi & operate faultlessly, at least so far.
But apart from running experimental stuff via USB on the iMac, I'll
leave LMS running on my NAS & accept the 24/96 limitation of my
Transporter even as a purely digital source.
Thanks for your technical insight!
Dave :)
That's a nice selection of devices Dave :-).

About a decade ago, I remember feeling "disappointed" that my
Transporter was "only" capable of 24/96. Over the years with experience,
recognition that many 176.4/192 recordings have no content in the
highest frequencies, and of course recognition that my ears/brain
complex is just not able to appreciate the difference, when it comes to
listening to music, it ends up being the Transporter that I fire up with
room correction done by LMS and BruteFIR.

Of course the Mytek DAC like what you have or my Oppo Sonica DAC with
higher frequency rates and DSD128+ would be great for upsampler
experimentation, trying different filters, etc...

In any event, enjoy the sound! And have fun with experimenting :-).

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
Archimago's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2207
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-08-30 00:43:44 UTC
Post by Golden Earring
Hi Archimago!
Thanks for the heads-up: I do my best to reduce the load on the world's
landfill sites. ;)
I have had a rather good week. Firstly I got an e-mail out of the blue
from the solicitors who dealt with my late mother's estate, which we
were under the impression had finally been fully distributed about 8
years ago in equal shares between myself & my 3 daughters, only 6 years
after my mum's death in 2003 - he'd been contacted by an insurance
company holding a 5-figure investment that had slipped through the net.
And for good measure HMRC are so snowed under that they couldn't be
bothered to reopen their file, so no tax! Then secondly, in pursuing a
Pathos InPol-2 amp at a knockdown price (which I missed, but it was 2005
vintage) I've made contact with a hi-fi dealer who is in the process of
supplying a customer with the new Pathos InPol Heritage (-*very*- silly
money new... ) when he can get one within the next few weeks - & this
chap has an InPol-2 which is only 2 years old that he wants to P/X, so
I've got first refusal on that one instead.
When I walk down the street, I am now actively on the lookout for stuff
to step in, lol...
Wow Dave. Interesting description of the week there... Gotta be careful
about taxes :-). Don't talk about it cuz the forum has ears directly
linked to the HMRC.

Had a peek at that Pathos amp. Lovely looking! Hope you got a good

Remember everyone: less than 2 weeks before I shut down the survey.
Thanks again for all who have put in their results!

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
Archimago's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2207
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
Golden Earring
2017-08-30 08:07:13 UTC
Post by Archimago
Wow Dave. Interesting description of the week there... Gotta be careful
about taxes :-). Don't talk about it cuz the forum has ears directly
linked to the HMRC.
Had a peek at that Pathos amp. Lovely looking! Hope you got a good
Remember everyone: *less than 2 weeks before I shut down the survey*.
Thanks again for all who have put in their results!
Hi Archimago!**

Having just this last Saturday got my elder #1 daughter successfully
married off to a very nice bloke (younger #2 got spliced to a very
different but equally nice chap in 2016). my diary is freed up (& the
emotional relief of no longer having primary responsibility for either
of my girls after only 30 years is enormous... ;) ), so I shall make
every effort to finally participate!

Pathos Acoustics gear is very nice both aesthetically & aurally, but
it's definitely better value s/hand, lol! I've temporarily lost contact
with the INPOL-2 guy (although I'm sure that he will rematerialize
soon), but in the meantime I've bagged the Pathos Endorphin for a magic
£2700: it's just *-got-* to be the world's best looking CD player & is
alleged to sound as good as it looks. I already have one of their Digit
CD players & that isn't half bad...

Thanks for the warning, but my lawyer contacted HMRC & got an official
clearance from them (in writing) that they simply couldn't be bothered
to re-open my Mum's estate after all this time: they made £60,000
inheritance tax the 1st time because the stupid original lawyer wrote
the wrong will, so I think they reckon they've had their share!!

Take a butchers at the Endorphin on Google images - it looks like Scotty
has beamed it down from the USS Enterprise :rolleyes: .

Dave :cool:

Golden Earring's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66646
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
Golden Earring
2017-09-14 19:21:48 UTC
Hi Archimago!

Sorry that I've missed the boat on your survey - my life has literally
been on fire for the last fortnight for reasons totally out of my
control. Nevertheless, I hope that you got a good response & I look
forward to seeing the results...

In the meantime, I now have an "as new" Pathos Endorphin in my
possession (after a 500 mile road trip & an overnight stay in Sheffield
- sadly not the vibrant place it was when they produced the finest

And just this morning I finally caught up with the INPOL-2 guy, so
things could come together there as well.

I lot of time was unexpectedly taken up by what should have been a
straightforward Amazon Marketplace purchase of a new Dyson vacuum to
replace my 10 year-old but perfectly functional old model (which has
even withstood collecting all the bits of glass from a car window that I
inadvertently shattered in a futile attempt to close it after one of the
cables for the electric control mechanism rusted through & snapped. My
options were: 1. turn the car upside down & shake it; 2. take the door
off, turn it upside down & shake it; & 3. slyly use the Dyson when my
significant other was otherwise occupied. Tricky decision, but I went
for #3: it worked a treat, I emptied the dust bin to remove the
evidence, & she never found out - just as well, she'd have skinned me
alive. ;) ) but which had become awkward for me to use because of my
arthritis in my spine.

So I ordered the "animal" version with a couple of turbo heads to
extract pet hair from my wool carpet (my big dog days are done because
of my back - they have low level 4-wheel drive & I no longer have the
ability to brace up sufficiently to rein them in. Pity, I love dogs, & I
believe that the big ones make much better pets once you have trained
them properly. HOWEVER, I still have the 18 year old cat who takes great
satisfaction in moulting *-everywhere-*, just because she can, lol). And
I get the "Multi Floor" version of the same basic vacuum cleaner, but
which doesn't have the required turbine heads. So I e-mail the guy,
pointing out that he's sent me a cheaper model of the Dyson, not the one
he advertised & that it doesn't suit so I need a return label (at his
expense - his mistake, Amazon have a page for the "Multi Floor" model,
he's advertised his product in the wrong slot). That should have been it
- but no, he steadfastly insists that he's sent the right thing & if it
isn't what I want, it's my mistake & I have to pay to return it. This
would have been difficult because, contrary to the Consumer Contract
Regulations, he hasn't sent an invoice or delivery note & there is no
return address on the parcel, so because Amazon anonymises stuff I have
no idea who he is. This was Friday 1 September. I haven't even broken
the seal on the box, it was obvious from the packaging that it was not
the correct item. So I order the right one from another online retail
market (which was actually £11 cheaper, lol) & endeavour patiently to
explain to him where he's in error. Brick wall! After SIX e-mails, even
my patience was exhausted & I told him that I'd be in touch with Amazon
Customer Services...

Who I duly 'phoned at 07:30hrs on Saturday 2 September 2017, to advise
that despite my best efforts I couldn't get this guy to admit his error,
that I wasn't prepared to waste any more time e-mailing him & they would
have to take over.

Then I collected the real thing from a local store collection point
around 14:30hrs on Saturday. I proceeded to take a beautiful (!) set of
photos of the 2 boxes side-by-side, including close-ups of the paperwork
to prove that I had ordered & collected the item I actually wanted
*-after-* the arrival of the incorrect Amazon order (just got this
feeling that I might otherwise be accused of switching the boxes over...
). And sent them. Slowly... I had to use the Outlook cloud server, & it
was obviously a little over-burdened - it took about 24 hours for my
laptop to successfully fire them up my fibre-optic broadband connection
(which itself regularly clocks in at 5MB/s, so the throttling wasn't at
my end).

I suggested to Amazon that they tried downloaded my snaps around
04:00hrs BST, before Europe woke up! Anyway, one way or another they got
them, & despite advising that the investigation for claims under their A
to Z guarantee scheme covering their Marketplace platform, they were
obviously impressed by the sheer quality of my snaps & promptly issued a
full refund on Wednesday 6 September - which actually cleared in my bank
a/c on Thursday 7 September (that must be some kind of record for the UK
banking system, lol, again Amazon state that a delay of 5-7 working days
should be expected...

So finally, I have the high ground: I have the Dyson I wanted at a
seriously cheap price (& boy does it work - one sweep is all you need -
it pulled half a dust bag full of gunk out of my wool carpet in my
lounge which had presumably been accumulating for 10 years, even though
it was vacuumed a week before with my old model: the carpet now looks
like new!), I have my money back for the bum deal, *-bull-* I still have
a big unopened box, now partially obstructing my hallway. More e-mails +
calls to Amazon Customer Services...

They seem to be as baffled as me. The vendor has by now rejected my
return request on the grounds that I haven't returned the product! Quite
apart from the fact that the return postage is down to him, I have no
way of sending it back because I don't have his name & address. I point
out to Amazon that legal title to the (unwanted) goods has now passed to
them when they issued the refund & the best course of action would be
for them to give me a return label & send the vacuum cleaner to them, so
that they at least had something to flog in return for their refund.

But no! On Sunday 10 September I am advised 1. Amazon don't want it
(Jeff Bezos obviously has bigger things on his mind, lol) & 2. if I
don't get a return label from the vendor within 48 hours, I am free to
dispose of the item in any way that I see fit! All this about a
disagreement over return postage cost!?!

Well, now it's Thursday 14 September, *-still-* no return label,
deadline thoroughly expired. What to do? It's a funny story really, so
it seems churlish to seek to profit from it, even though I could easily
knock the thing out on eBay or Gumtree (our local area auction site). So
I called an excellent local hospice & offered it to them *-on condition
that they actually use it-*, rather than raffle it or sell it. Once I
explained what it was & how thoroughly & quickly it cleans, they went
for my offer - I'm dropping it around in the morning.

Almost unbelievable, but not *-quite-*...


Golden Earring's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66646
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-07-17 18:27:13 UTC
What are the origins of 2L's mqa files? I remember looking at some of
their sample material before. Not my type of music I have to say, hard
for me to get into it..

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k
drmatt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59498
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-07-17 19:08:40 UTC
Post by drmatt
What are the origins of 2L's mqa files? I remember looking at some of
their sample material before. Not my type of music I have to say, hard
for me to get into it..
-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-
Hi Matt:
The original MQA files can be found here (along with originals up to

As you can see, I picked 3 of them based on variation on the type of
sound (vocals, piano, violin). Yeah, all classical, not exactly the type
of thing I listen to daily. However, considering the fact that much of
MQA on Tidal is just poorly mastered or old non-hi-res recordings, this
is as good as I think we can get when trying to try listening for
differences... Especially considering they're freely available and meant
for evaluation.

Archimago's Musings: (archimago.blogspot.com) A 'more objective'
audiophile blog.
Archimago's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2207
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673
2017-07-17 21:17:47 UTC
Yep it's probably one of the best sources there is to test with. I have
downloaded your samples and appreciate your concise tagging efforts! Had
visions of them disappearing all over my library and having to browse by
file location..

EDO on the SBT works fine, I don't see "192k" written on my DAC very
often, but there it is..!

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k
drmatt's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=59498
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=107673