[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Windows 7.1 Mixer performance
2015-12-16 18:10:25 UTC
For reference purposes this is a test of the Windows 7.1 (64 bit) mixer

The device used for loopback were spdif adaptors (M-Audio AP 24192) set
up to be bit perfect, hence the ultra-low noise and distortion levels.
Instead of using white noise to test frequency response, a esoteric test
signal that displays as near perfectly with some FFT analysis programs
was used (a "Swish"). Since the zero signal test was digital black in,
digital black out, there is no data line. It's essentially off the
bottom of the screen.


|Filename: archimago test 7.jpg |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19473|

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