Post by MnybWell i don't know of Triodes wherabouts these days .
Many open souce project depends on thier devs .
LMS aka squezeeboxserver aka slimserver has a tradition of serving up a
snapshot of the latest ech day .
But what you'd expect ? I gladly munch the latest LMS trogh my system
to find a bug otr two :)
As a penance to this great community that somehow tolerates my presence
Features and changes that depends upon the product at hand ?
What kinda and of features do you watch out for ? When deciding to
upgrade ?
A player ? Ok any new relevant formats ? compliance with a new OS
update , thats a common concern
Well, let me first say I appreciate everything you guys do with this
software or any software for that matter. The world as a whole owes you
mountains of gratitude. Like I said, I understand people have other
priorities, but nothing wrong with wishing. What I would really like to
do is to learn how to contribute in some small way to actually writing a
piece of code or changing a thing or two myself.
With all that said, some of the things I look out for fall into several
different categories.
User friendliness [GUI, look and feel, ergonomics, controls that make
sense] a bad example might be RuneAudio and switching the Renderer ie
Spotify. It also allows Upnp and Airplay...there is a "click to switch
renderer" button under library however the UPNP and Airplay buttons do
nothing, which according to Rune was the intended functionality. Also
Rune can upsample, however the user needs to SSH into Rune and enter a
command to do so....why not a toggle under MPD?
Kernel, Base-OS and music player - I really don't want a player that is
bricked when/if I try to update the kernel or internal music player. The
good thing with LMS and SL is that I can update either or both and still
be off and running after the update. Even adding plugins is not a
problem. So being able to update various items and add functionality
without bricking my player is a must. DietPi I can do this and more
without any problems ie add anything, update anything etc and still have
a working appliance.
Rich variety of music sources - Sure I don't have every single online
music service 'but' having the functionality and the flexibility of
connecting to a variety of music services is always a plus. Another bad
example is RoonLabs. Sure its flashy and new-ish but other than your
local music and manually adding web-radio URL's your only choice is
Tidal. One Linux music player I see as the benchmark [and their could be
others] is Clementine Music Player. It allows you to connect to a huge
variety of music sources including things like Google Drive.
Tweakability - Granted there are different camps...the bits-r-bits
people who think all tweaks are useless and fall under voodoo magic. And
those like myself who like to play around with the guts and tweak out
some glimmer of better performance if not for the placebo effect then
just for the fun of it. Again Diet-Pi is a great example, it has built
in functionality that allows users to set CPU affinity for processes,
change nice values and a whole bunch more.
Low resources - RoonLabs is an example of the biggest resource hog I
have ever seen. Seeing that you pretty much need a i5 or greater
computer with 4+ gigs of Ram just to get a basic level of performance
[RoonLabs Core]. On the other hand players like PiCorePlayer and DietPi
are barebone and do the job.
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