arnyk wrote:
> It would appear to be the prerequisite radical subjectivist personal
> attack...
> ...Jkeny lives in a logic-tight box...
> Next!
I have been using this forum for a good few years now.
There are, as you will have noticed, a mix of subjectivists,
objectivists, and in-between.
Its mostly frequented by people with squeezeboxy devices, but also
others. There is a lot of knowledge and experience, and people are
usually helpful with answering questions and are generally accepting of
other peoples points of view.
However since 25 May when you both locked horns, the SNR has gone South.
Id just like to play back snippets from just some some of your (c.
250 each) posts.
As if anybody is in any doubt about your intentions to incite flame
wars - all they have to do is look at this post & your many posts
This is a conversation between Archi & me - how about you butt out with
your usual comments which are simply meant to incite flame wars.
Jeez, man, did you fail reading comprehension in school or are you just
pretending to be so stupid?
Again, you can't but demonstrate your stupidity, Arny, can you?
I believe ArnyK is in his 70s - go figure!!
Your foolishness is now a tsunami that is in danger of washing all
sensible posts away, Arny
Not the fantasy discussion you & Arny are having about 8KHz USB
protocol noise
Yep, it's the usual logic from this contingent
"Yes, Arny, you & Archi can continue with your fantasy discussion"
I think you might be confused between real & bonkers"
Don't be such an idiot
Give it up, Wombat!!
Sure, it's simple, Mnyb :) This is the type of statement that reveals
just how far you guys are from actually understanding measurements -
it's very representative of Archi's fan base
No, huh - no suggestions! Can't say that surprises me.
I've already explained it many times - you simply don't understand.
And another "objectivsit/measureist" asking how this might be measured -
Absolute bullshit that I already corrected you & Arny before
And if you want advice about trolling go to an expert like Arny
I somehow thought you were in your 70s from your posts on AVS
Yea, there you go, again - an attempt to demean & show delusional
Arny, I thought you might have left after making this post - (you
should, btw). So let's see if you still assert this stupidity that you
Bluff & bluster won't disguise your mistakes.
Go off now & regroup you measurbators, take a little pleasure in a
twiddle with your equipment.
I don't need to give links - any sane person knows the issue
Again, your desire to be always right shows up your foolishness
You prove yourself again to be such a fool, Arny
Good to see at least one of you is open to new information/data
No, you also seem to have great difficulty in understanding the
technology & what it's addressing
This is getting more like a Christmas pantomime. Arny, I'm outside with
my handbag, where are you?
Wow & this coming from a guy who created a so-called listening test of
high resolution audio
Yes you share the same inability to understand the device as ralphpnj -
who is also a poster on the thread for the afflicted & disaffected
""Reformed Audiophile True Confessions" - so you share a lot...
Arny, you bring nothing to this thread but noise!
I'm pretty sure you are feigning not understanding this as another one
of your forum debate tactics but
Yep, it's the usual logic from this contingent - business is involved
so therefore it's a snakeoil business trying to extricate money
If you might learn anything from the recent (mis) behavior of people
like jkeny or cliveb, I don't have to bother with seeking out and
attacking people
Wow! You do play dumb very well Jkeny. Oh, its not an act?
It is a paraphrase not a quote. For future reference, if I post a
quote, there are quotation marks. Don't they teach about quotation marks
in Ireland?
I guess that the Irish public schools didn't teach you much about
reading and critical thinking, because if they did Jkeny
As usual jkeny is trying to put his dumb words in my mouth
If that is him, then his area of greatest interest and expertise seems
to be food trucks in the Pittsburgh area
Interesting - jkeny admits it right here in public. All it takes to
start a flame war with jkeny is to ask him for some reliable evidence.
No jkeny, no reading problems here. I just know what the numbers mean.
You obviously don't.
A true sign that I drew serious blood by bringing up the touchy subject
of actual test results, which is an obvious failing of jkeny's ongoing
Yes, but based on past experience with you John, you are incapable of
appreciating or benefiting from the explanation. Any reasonable
explanation will be bent, folded, spindled, torn and mutilated.
No need to be insulting. Can't we talk?
False. False. I've explained the reasons why these claims are false to
you in the past on another forum John, and you were unable to comprehend
the somewhat lengthy explanation.
Noise without relevant content seems to describe most of your posts.
Why don't you take your own advice?
Just because name or names aren't mentioned doesn't keep a libelous
post from being a personal attack.
I have to admit that the above looks like good evidence of a lack of
reading comprehension.
It would appear that ridicule is all you've got. If you actually had
something useful to say, you'd have said it by now.
I have no idea. Given that you seem to be a anti-science golden ear, it
is possible that your audio system is technically speaking, sheerest
I don't know why you'd mention that jkeny, because what is there from
you is a lot of empty talk that was summarized as follows:
By now it should be quite clear that you failed. I wonder how long it
will take you to recognize that.
Obviously jkeny, you have no clue about the technical means by which
noise measurements are performed and why.
(1) Audiophile Sighted Casual Evaluations are not admissible because
they are not tests. That is, they...
(1) Audiophile Sighted Casual Evaluations...
(1) Audiophile Sighted Casual Evaluations...
(2) Their personal Casual, Sighted Audiophile...
That's just a baseless allegation as stated. You discredit yourself
when you spew such poorly formed thoughts. Any ADULT who understood our
situation would say that at worst we disagree. Noting...
So jkeny, in your universe, the Laws Of Physics are settled by means of
a popularity contest? Everybody votes that water flows uphill, and it
starts doing so?
Interestingly enough, this kind of thinking is nowhere to be found when
the order of the day is jkeny trying to hawk his questionable USB DACs
on the web.
Believe based on a star in the sky, or believe based on inside
Executive summary - more deflections and pseudo-technical hand
Corrected? Based on what, some egregiously flawed pseudo technical
speculations and horribly flawed listening evaluations?
Pure deflection. I debunked it so now you want to distance yourself
from it.
Typical of self-defeating audiophile prejudices.
There is no lie, and the above is a vile but apparently very satisfying
(to you) personal attack
I'm trying to buy, borrow, or steal a clue as to why JH901 has any
credentials that put him as far above the rest of us as he seems to
believe that he is
Given the outcome of those threads that you started after the long
hiatus Jkeny, I can see why you would now wish to cover your tracks!
Just another baseless false claim from Jkeney
Just more evidence that if you ask Jkeny his name and you are really
lucky, he might even tell you what it is.
Do you know what reliable and scientific means? Do you know why "Blind
test" is a phrase that golden ears commonly use as a deflection? Yes,
the serious failings of the grotesquely flawed...
So Jkeny when are you going to admit to the foul sad truth about casual
audiophile listening evaluations - you know the fact that they are so
bad that they can't even be properly called tests
Because of our correspondent's lengthy track record for utter denial
and hypocrisy when it comes to his preferred but violently
anti-scientific (on many grounds) format for listening evaluations
When your opponent has nothing left to add to the argument but
name-calling, you have won the argument on points in the eyes of
everybody who is thinking rationally. Move on!
Oh jkeny, so your next error of the day is to assert that jitter and
long term clock timing errors have nothing to do with the frequency of
the audio signals being transmitted?
<snip additional deflections> Again, game, set, match.
Deflect, deflect, deflect. So, jkeny who that actually understands DACs
OEMs yours for you?
There is this jkeny guy who says: Buy my DACs because they sound better
- "more organic." Organic reminds me of a smelly compost pile, but what
Wow, jkeny has empowered himself to speak for the 100's if not 1000's
of people who post on this forum! Amazing!
Commodity hubs habitually blowing USB gear is a false claim. But jkeny,
I'll bet you can bully naive audiophiles with trash talk like that.
There is no perhaps here. The remark has been forcibly and violently
misconstrued. The only question in my mind is whether it was
misconstrued as an honest error, or maliciously
The questions that I would like to ask each of you are:
1. Do you think that those posts add value to the forum?
2. Are you proud of your posts?
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