edwardthern wrote:
> Talking about perception is never a problem with normal people.
> People talk about food at restaurants, movies, books, vacation spots
> etc. all the time.....no measurement data needed, only perceptional
> views.
> The moment you people bring up measurements you sound ridiculous.
> Imagine people using your logic for the aforementioned topics.
> Joe: You know I really like Sam's Burgers, they taste so good and they
> fill me up too, I can hardly even eat one. Unlike Smith's burgers, they
> seem greasy and make me feel bad.
> Mark: What?!?!?! What kind of measurement data do you have that proves
> Sam's meat is any different than Smith's meat? In fact the buns are the
> same too, flour, eggs, yeast etc. All this Sam's burgers, Smith's
> burgers crap is crazy. You make assumptions but have no real data to
> back it up!!
There is so much wrong with this assertion it's hard to know where to
begin. But I'll try, and then I'm out of this pointless conversation.
- We talk about food and movies and books and music using subjective
language - tastes good, looks good, sounds good. It's all about the
content of the experience
- But we also talk about the form in which the content is presented.
Was the movie out of focus? Was the supposedly hot soup cold? Did the
live recording reflect the actual performance? These are more
objective elements.
- You might be at Sam's burger place, and you can see the line cooks
preparing your meal, sometimes it's a man, sometimes a woman. You are
convinced that the meal prepared by the woman is better, but maybe
that's because you have the deep belief that women are better cooks
than men. How to resolve? A proper blind test.
- In any good restaurant, there is always a formula for the cooking,
whether it's for a Big Mac or for a Duck Cassoulet. Someone makes the
recipe, with ingredients and procedure, and others typically execute
it. You might think (perhaps correctly) that a particular McDonald's
makes a better Big Mac than another, but to be sure you'd have to do
some sort of blind check to make sure it wasn't just your preference
for the decor at one of them. Your friends might each buy a Big Mac
at one of the restaurants at the same time on multiple occasions and
bring them to you at neutral location and not tell you which was
which. Better if on each occasion one bought two and the other one,
and then switched it up. And if you can reliably tell which two were
the same, THEN you can turn your mind to the subjective impression of
which is better.
The point is that the biggest variable is the content, but that the form
is also important and can impact our perception of the content. But the
form, the way in which the content is presented to us, is actually
something that can be objectively studied, starting with a dispassionate
analysis of whether we can actually tell the difference between two
different ways of presentation (which would include things like
different DACs, different cables, etc.), properly controlled for factors
like volume that could influence perception. Only IF we can perceive a
difference, any difference, can we legitimately pursue the question of
"better or worse". And we can ONLY validly determine whether a
difference can be perceived through properly controlled (generally
blind) procedures.
It's not about rejecting subjective experience. It's about avoiding
equating subjective experience with something resembling "truth".
LMS on a dedicated server (FitPC3)
Transporter (Ethernet) - main listening, Onkyo receiver, Paradigm
Touch (WiFi) - home theater 5.1, Sony receiver, Energy speakers
Boom 1 (WiFi) - work-space
Boom 2 (WiFi) - various (deck, garage, etc.)
Radio (WiFi) - home office
Control - Squeeze Control (Android mobile), 2 Controllers (seldom used),
Squeeze Remote (on Surface Pro 4)
Touch x 1 - spare
UE Radio x 1 - spare
Boom x 1 - spare
Controller x 1 - Spare
Duet Receiver (backup)
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