I'm cheaper than you :) I can change my opinions completely for no more
than 200k$ I'm investing in a new apartment . I'll photograph my hifi
rig with all the fancy cables and publish in any hifi fora of your
choice .
Cable vendors please pm me ...
But joking aside a pity that the throughput was not better but it proved
another point everything works perfectly until it does not , anything in
the player buffer will play just the same . no subtle degrading of sound
. Ethernet is truly something else than the typical audio interface its
designed to work this way .
As pointed out you can make a measurable difference with cables not fit
for purpose in the *spdiff interface* this interface is much more
sensitive .
But can you hear it ? differences at those low levels is generally
completely inaudible . The classic experiment of using steel coat
hangers as spdif cables comes to mind , this probably disturbs the
interface a bit , if I may guess . Proper cabling is prudent .
Audiophiles go about it the wrong way they argue for specific tweaks or
at the moment hyped things or cables (thank you audio pre$$ ) .
IF they truly understood the scientific method :
1. First prove that we can discern stuff down at -110dB with music
playing at the same time . The general consensus in reality (not in la
la la land ) is that when the noise or distortion is that far below any
threshold of hearing the character or source of the disturbance does not
matter it can be very nasty but you wont hear it no matter what. If you
again find that we cant forget the rest. Everything with this low levels
of problem is transparent .Proof is a blind study sighted testing are
always to biased to serve as information at all .
This is a general case the door would open to many things..
2. Congrats .You managed to prove that human hearing is magnitudes
better then previously believed . Now its time to test any digital
transport of reasonably proper design wallmart DVD player or better . Do
screen for high end cargo cult designs some of these are actually broken
by design and cant be used ,but some will be very well made and perform
excellent . As proven many times no decent DAC changes it output with
different transports the signal leaving the DAC is the same in any case
. Yet another round of tedious DBT tests.... But this is again a genral
case just prove that any transport within reasonable performance makes
any difference .
3. Wov amazing you done it ,now we can start even thinking about cables
Or just scrap all that and uses some reasoning, occams razor and
probablity comes to my mind .
Someone claims a results that breaks the laws of physic and there is no
known mechanism to explain it . they are two systems to consider . ( In
this thought experiment we exclude the charlatans making the $$$ their
bias is very simple .)
1. a very simple electronic system with fully understood science (yes
audio is more or less fully understood there is no great mystery ,
another myth keept alive by the usual suspects ) this system behaves
very well and is predictable .
every run gives the same result .
2. A person with a human brain , its awesomely complex and poorly
understood , the personality and experience is not predicable and
subject to countless cognitive biases . The complexity and unknowns
involved are truly humbling .
Faced with a result that seems to brake the rules and are truly
fantastic where would your investigation start :) I choose door nr 2 .
It's just overwhelmingly more likely .
In fact so overwhelmingly likely that the burden of proof is on the
person making these fantastical claims .
Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux
Mnyb's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4143
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=103146