Archimago wrote:
> Yup... All valid points and I wish we could just have straightforward
> information on pedigree. Like the SPARS code in the old days, it was all
> meant to be a simple designation. The Wiki notes both "Lack of detail"
> and "Implications of quality" as very valid criticisms as well. However,
> we're in the "wild west" in terms of hi-res currently and I think almost
> any "designation" would be better than nothing at this point even if it
> is an oversimplification!
> Dammit man, stop with the DSD crap, guys :-). So has anyone bought an
> actual DSD download yet?!
Yes I have :) to test the play DSD plugin I bougth some classical stuff
actually recorded in DSD . Of course it sounded good the recording was
well engineered .
The problem is the lack of real content .
HD tracks et all have at least real music by musicians you heard of or
that have actual musical chops .
No audiophile Muzak .
On the DSD topic I don't see converting to pcm in a DAW software ( 32
bit floating piont pcm at some high samplerate ) as a problem such
software is transpararent and does it it job as it should . The
"DSD-ness" of it happen at the AD stage if it exists and that is
preserved .
And to throw another spanner in the works , modern ADC's are somewhat
not really PCM they can be of the 1-5 delta sigma type .
1 bit sounds awfully similar to DSD to me with the exception that you
get PCM output out of the decimation filter.
Well in your DAW software you produce well sounding recordings if you
want that ( they don't always want to ) this by the intrisinic
soundquality a totally transparent process , you get the intended
production values but added extra distortion is really minimal .
You can the proceed to pick a consumer format to release your work in .
My pow is with modern recording techniques the recording format and
consumer format are decoupled and the process between is transparent .
Provided you release in better or equal to reedbook CD .
Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux
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