Post by paulsterGreat blog post. I love my vinyl, but I hate that I have to love
listening to vinyl to get better quality sound out of an inferior
medium, because of the ongoing loudness wars!
Yeah. That's a tragedy IMO! As much as I can enjoy needle drops, they're
still obviously not as good as the original direct-to-digital.
Please indulge me for a second...
/rant on!/
It's really quite sad that on the one hand we have folks like Neil Young
pushing digital but seemingly -moronic- in relying on "big numbers" to
impress the populace who I think have essentially had enough. Who knows
if this can be turned around, but I honestly hope Neil can start
speaking sense.
On the other hand we have vinyl pushers like Mike Fremer promoting a
technologically obsolete format which has ZERO chance of going
mainstream again no matter how much of a revival it might enjoy at this
time. I wish I could enjoy his comedy shtick promoting vinyl like this
if only I weren't so disgusted. Tonight I see he has a review of the new
Dylan album. Good review and I might pick up the album... However, he
insists the CD sounds bad and even considered if the better sounding
vinyl was because it originated from the 24-bit master. Yeah, right...
Unless they're different masterings, the idea of hearing the
"improvement" 24-bit makes after going through the vinyl LP process is
beyond ridiculous. There are other possibilities, but -how can anyone in
their right mind even declare this kind of hypothesis with a straight
face and consider himself educated as an audio reviewer!?-
Looking around the Net we find...
Mike Lavorgna on AudioStream. I think he's a nice enough guy but in the
business of advertisement. But there's all the crazy tweaks and
Synergistic wares peddled by that Steve Plaskin guy. Horrifying.
I don't know what to think of the Computer Audiophile any more. Looks
like he's happy to take a sponsorship to visit a factory and basically
regurgitates ad copy in those "reviews". Lately posting up
audiophile-approved pretentious "designs" of computers that bear
unpronounceable names with claims of audible superiority. Jeez... If one
is going to talk about improved jitter, lower noise (like with filtered
"clean" USB ports), please, at least demonstrate *something* to show the
components made a difference as claimed. These things are measurable,
Stereophile, TAS, Hi-Fi+, UHF Magazine here in N. America... What's
there to say?
Sadly, these are the mouthpieces of audiophilia.
I have a feeling that the MQA rhetoric is going to get "good" in the
months ahead. Prepare for Bob Stuart the salesman taking over from Neil
/rant off!/
Despite my general pessimism, I actually have a contrarian streak which
is telling me -maybe it really is darkest before the dawn-...
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