Post by JulfMark Waldrep seems like a good, clued-up guy. I did get a 1-minute
sample from Robert von Bahr of BIS for a test a couple of years ago, but
it was only vocal music with almost no energy above 15 kHz, so not the
best test sample, and after the attempt at an objective test caused a
huge amount of negative reactions on CA, I am not sure he would like to
do it again (he was pretty much driven away from CA himself too).
How about asking on one of the recording forums?
Must be very hard to run a business where a large quantity of
prospective customers do not understand the product they are buying
:confused: some of bis recordings are very fine indeed .
They are pretty much forced to package as "hirez" whatever it was from
the outset to gain acess to this new outlets of better than CD
I liked this post by Mark yes among
analog recordings you probably find the finest music you ever heard but
it ain’t ever going to be hirez and thus do not need a 24/192 or
DSD packaging to be -fully appreciated- yes you wont miss a thing in
reedbook .
Sligthly on topic .
Since I assumed you are a recording pro .
Would not air be good at absorbing ultrasonics ? So what happens with
big orchestral works or any music with microphones far away . Do the
captured audio exceeds 20kHz ie merit a higher samplerate at playback to
be "the whole signal" if can be heard or not is another matter ?
Another matter would be choice of recording equipment microphones for
example I can only speculate that for example microphone companies
pretty much assumed the 20-20k spec or less ? Sometimes vintage mikes
are used for the euphonics they produce , but is not that that another
potential block for finding a good test sample ?
I mean even if the studio used the latest and greatest 24/192 AD
converters other parameters could make it so that there is nothing to
sample in the first place >20kHz ?
You could probably make a similar argument for noise and the need for
more bits beyond >16 if the whole thing fades into random background
hiss at -80dB the extra bits is not going to do anything fore you .
NOTE: i'm discussing consumer delivery formats , there are other very
good reasons to produce and mix in very high rates as you may want to do
things with the signal so the use of 24bits or 32 bits in the studio is
a separate topic . But they are easily confused in all these discussions
Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
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Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux
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