Post by GandhiI don't quite follow. Which one(s) are you refering to?
I think even bias is biased.
Yes my argument is weak (and biased) and i dont get all of the
explanations i googled up "Galatea effect" is a kind of self fullfilling
prophecy , you "succeed" as audiophile if you believe as much mumbo
jumbo as possible . You may even take possitively to beileve even more
if you peers cheer you on "I did not believe this POS before I tried,
but now Im convinced that you rub you speaker cable with garlic" . They
actually dare each other to becomme even more gullible it's called an
"open mind" ;) (what an abuse of words) .
ON the positive side we can encourage each other in to be more sceptical
and think for ourself building another kind of spiral.... towards what
My weak argument is that all human activity incorparate elements off all
bias all the time in some degree :)
For example to really do an objective review of components ,it would be
really hard .
*Find people with no prior experience in the cult but trained as good
listeners or you could possible train them .
*let these persons do the subjective evaluation ABX ofcourse with a
reference system or the other components if its a group test (5 amps or
some such ) .
Further this testers should not know anything about the components at
all (not even what kind of components it is ,or the reference if any )
just listen .
They should see the components in question
*other people does the measurments functional and feature test and
quality assessment (these are important to ) and the general feel of the
equipment ,some are very biased factors but contribute to pride of
ownership. LIke cool design or some retro look.
* some editor not involved combine the open experience of using the
product with the facts gained from blinded listening test . Then we
would see interesting results "the group was very happy using Y in the
system but it does not really sound any different than reference X" we
recomend Y on basi of better qulity and features ... .
* the puplication releases several test at the same time "the subjective
tester" would not even know which test he/she did .
* some editor not involved combine the open experience of using the
product with the facts gained from blinded listening test .
It can possibly have some bias creeping in but it's better .
You cant get at the obvious dishonesty in the business big spenders in
ads etc will get good review no matter what "the money bias", the step
from performing useless test to just make things up is not big or
qualitatively different .
Useless test=supports random product ,made up test=support product of
certain advertiser or giver of "loan equipment" .
There is no prefered outcome , the random product can be cr*p . The
bought review product at least stays in bussines and can possibly
perform warranty and repairs later on.. :) bah to cynical of me
Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(in storage SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux
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