I have a lot to say on this subject, but its too much for one post so
I'll start with the topic of NOS DACs since its being discussed right
First off a bit of background, I have been building DACs for quite a
few years, I have built at least 30 different DACs with many different
DAC chips, filters, output stages etc. I have tried hard to come up
with at least some correlations between differences in what I have been
building and what I have heard, this hasn't been easy, there are so many
variables it's hard to narrow things down.
And yes I found there ARE differences in sound, they do not all sound
the same. I have done quite a few blind tests with other people
listening, they were at least single blind, sometimes double blind. The
blind tests do prove that there are differences, but preferences as to
what people preferred went all over the place. So the following is
going to be my own personal preferences, which are certain to be
different than other people.
Before going into details of my NOS experience let me say that I am an
electronics engineer, I am well versed in sampling theory and have a
moderate acquaintance with DSP, but by no means the worlds greatest
living expert.
When I first started Building DACs I was firmly in the oversampling is
a great thing camp, it radically improves upon the old style brickwall
analog filter etc. Then I heard about NOS DACs and decided to build a
couple and see what they sound like. I was sure it was going to be
terrible. But low and behold that is not what happened. I found the
sound was significantly improved in some areas and significantly
degraded in others. This was a big surprise, I was not expecting the
improvement at all. At this point I had no clue WHY it sounded better.
I tried several NOS DAC designs of my own and several from other
people. What I found was that a lot of the NOS DAC designs "out there"
were seriously flawed in many ways, it was obvious the people designing
them really didn't know what they were doing. Frequently I could make
them sound much better by some simple changes.
Even with some of these bad design choices they all definitely have a
"NOS sound". To me the improvement part is an increase in subtle
detail, being able to hear subtle details of the acoustic environment,
being able to hear subtle nuances in performance that purvey emotional
content better. At the same time, the sound is "dirty", its rough
around the edges. When you go back to oversampling it sounds much
cleaner, but also flat and boring in comparison.
My supposition is that the people that like NOS DACs are willing to
ignore the bad parts in order to gain the good parts. It might also
have to do with age, young people with good hearing may be bothered
much more by the "dirty sound" (presumably the infamous aliasing).
I then spent a couple years trying to find out why the NOS DACs sound
better. I won't go into the full journey here, but what I eventually
concluded was that it was the digital filters themselves getting in the
way. I could build my own digital filters that kept the good qualities
of the NOS sound but without the "dirt". I wasn't doing anything
special with my filters, just a good proper implementation in an FPGA.
The only thing I can think of as to why the commercial ones do not
sound so good is that they are NOT properly implemented.
In order to properly do a brickwall filter for 44.1 takes a fair amount
of hardware resources, my guess is that the manufacturers are cutting
corners to save money. They are doing just barely enough to get decent
numbers in the data sheets. In particular I'm leaning towards the
practice of cascading several small filters rather than using one
properly implemented large filter. Looking at data sheet plots of
filter performance you can frequently see this cascading of filters.
An interesting occurrence happened early in my DAC quest (before my
first NOS DAC) I had an inexpensive DVD player and decided to see if I
could get it to sound better. I did a number of analog and PS
improvements which improved things significantly, but I also noticed
that the DAC chip had a "slow rolloff" filter setting as well as the
default brickwall filter. So I built a little board that let me
reprogram the registers in the DAC chip so I could set the filter type.
I found that I liked the slow rolloff much better. In blind tests most
people liked the slow better, but several hated it. Looking at the data
sheet plots I found that the slow filter was implemented as a single
filter but the brickwall was three cascaded filters.
I have done similar tests with many other DAC chips and with my own
digital filters and its turning out to be a fairly decent correlation
that the biggest impact is not the filter function itself but if its
implemented as cascaded filters. Filter functions DO make a difference,
but if they are all implemented as cascaded filters they all don't sound
so great. With filters implemented as single proper filters (enough
internal bits for the number of taps and enough bits for the
coefficients) differences in filter functions CAN be heard but they are
not very large. Just getting the filters implemented properly is the
This brings up the issue of software upsampling and NOS DACs. First off
NOS does not mean no filter, just not a digital filter, you can still
put an analog filter on a NOS DAC. If the builtin digital filters are
the problem, it seems that a good NOS DAC playing upsampled files that
were generated with a properly implemented software filter should
provide good sound. And my experience is that indeed it does,
especially if you put a 2 or 3 pole analog filter after the NOS DAC to
get rid of residual high frequency noise. Note this has to be a GOOD
NOS DAC, not one of those cheap 16 bit ones from people that have no
clue what they are doing.
There are a lot of people that are doing software upsampling and
feeding the results into soundcards and external DACs that I think are
trying to do the same sort of thing, but the data is still going
through the compromised digital filter in the DAC chip. It would be
much better if they fed it through a good NOS DAC.
An interesting side bar on this is an early experiment I did. I had
been reading about people that stacked 8 1543 DAC chips, I tried this
in two different ways. One group of people spread the chips out on a
board (see the picture somewhere up in this thread), but others
actually stacked the DAC chips on top of each other. I tried both and
found the stacked on top of each other approach sounded much better.
Note this was EXACTLY the same circuit, just a different physical
layout of the chips. The difference was that the stacked chips got HOT.
Doing so cut off the airflow so they got to much higher temperatures.
I hypothesized that it was this higher temperature rather better
linearity or lower noise that made the improvement. I decided to test
this by gluing a power resistor to a single chip and pumping DC through
it to raise the temperature. I added a thermocouple so I could check the
temperature of the chip (well the temperature of the case, not the
actual chip). I then very slowly raised the temperature of the chip and
low and behold it sounded way better as the temperature went up high.
(still not all that great, the single chip by itself is a pretty bad
sounding DAC chip) So all that theory that it sounded better because of
the increased bit depth because of stacked chips was hooey, it sounded
better because it got HOT. BTW the one with the 8 chips spread out on
the board sounded worse than a single chip, that was just a bad idea.
Things HAVE been getting better. The latest crop of chips seem to not
have as bad digital implementations as previous ones (with the decrease
in cost of compute hardware, its probably cheaper to just do it right
than spend the money trying to develop creative corner cutting). That
doesn't mean they are perfect. Every one I have tried I have been able
to make sound better by disabling the internal digital filter and using
a properly implemented external filter. The only ones I have found that
seem to do a pretty good job of their internal filters are the Sabre
Well there you have it, some of my exploration of NOS DACs.
John S.
JohnSwenson's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5974
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=93483