2013-04-02 19:07:32 UTC
I know that most of think that I am only joking but there is time to get
in on the ground floor for my new Audiophile Air Purification and
Alignment System.
Sure AudioQuest and others have the high end USB and ethernet cable
market covered but what those audiophiles who use lowly Wi-Fi, shouldn't
there be a way to ensure the best possible Wi-Fi signal? Well there is -
simply use the new Audiophile Air Purification and Alignment System
which works in two unique ways to provide the best possible environment
for one's Wi-Fi signals. First all the air is carefully filtered to
remove all unwanted elements which might degrade the performance of the
Wi-Fi signal. Second this purified air is electronically treated to
properly align the ions to facilitate the transmission of the Wi-Fi
signal with the minimum amount of interference and maximum degree of
electrical signal purity. Listening to music streamed with air treated
by the Audiophile Air Purification and Alignment System will provide a
level of realism and a degree of emotional involvement simply not
possible using untreated air. The system will also vastly improve the
sound of ANY audio system simply by filling the listening space with
treated air.
Anyone interested? I figure the "parts" needed to assemble the system
can be bought at the local Home Depot store. I'm also figuring on about
a 5,000% mark up with a final selling price of $5,000 to $6,000
depending on how where the system will be located and how far the
purified air must be ducted to reach the listening space.
Seriously I though of selling this kind of system several years ago and
no matter how outrageous I thought the idea was at that time, with each
day that passes I now realize that there are plenty foolish audiophiles
who would buy this pipe dream.
ralphpnj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10827
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98430
in on the ground floor for my new Audiophile Air Purification and
Alignment System.
Sure AudioQuest and others have the high end USB and ethernet cable
market covered but what those audiophiles who use lowly Wi-Fi, shouldn't
there be a way to ensure the best possible Wi-Fi signal? Well there is -
simply use the new Audiophile Air Purification and Alignment System
which works in two unique ways to provide the best possible environment
for one's Wi-Fi signals. First all the air is carefully filtered to
remove all unwanted elements which might degrade the performance of the
Wi-Fi signal. Second this purified air is electronically treated to
properly align the ions to facilitate the transmission of the Wi-Fi
signal with the minimum amount of interference and maximum degree of
electrical signal purity. Listening to music streamed with air treated
by the Audiophile Air Purification and Alignment System will provide a
level of realism and a degree of emotional involvement simply not
possible using untreated air. The system will also vastly improve the
sound of ANY audio system simply by filling the listening space with
treated air.
Anyone interested? I figure the "parts" needed to assemble the system
can be bought at the local Home Depot store. I'm also figuring on about
a 5,000% mark up with a final selling price of $5,000 to $6,000
depending on how where the system will be located and how far the
purified air must be ducted to reach the listening space.
Seriously I though of selling this kind of system several years ago and
no matter how outrageous I thought the idea was at that time, with each
day that passes I now realize that there are plenty foolish audiophiles
who would buy this pipe dream.
ralphpnj's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10827
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=98430