Very amusing, but wine is very different to audio equipment, if only
because wine is an organic material, and not stable. It can get better
(or much worse!) with age, and there are different styles of wine -
different grape varieties/ripeness, leading to different
sugar/alcohol/tannin content, different methods of production (oak
versus stainless steel casks/vats, for example), etc, which can lead to
very different tastes with demonstrably different chemical make up.
It is certainly possible, through careless manufacture or careless
storage, to produce a truly horrible wine, and there probably is a
minimum production cost, below which corners are cut to the extent that
the wine will not be very nice. But beyond that, it is of course a
matter of taste (and smell, feel and appearance), and there is an awful
lot of bullshit and snobbery involved.
So wine is probably more comparable to different performance/recording
techniques in music, than the playback technology. A closer analogy with
hifi could be the wine glass - I find myself enjoying wine much more
when served in a nice crystal glass, but the difference I perceive
between this and a thick glass tumbler or a tea cup might be an
illusion, without an obvious way of blind testing! Of course, if the
drinking vessel is dirty, or made of a reactive plastic, which taints
the contents, that is a different matter, and could be compared with
listening to music on a very low quality audio system.
And I certainly disagree with the final sentence in the link contained
in the OP - the grape every time for me!
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